The Federal Workforce Investment Act (WIA), which superseded the Job Training Partnership Act, offers a comprehensive range of workforce development activities through statewide and local organizations. Available workforce development activities provided in local communities can benefit job seekers, laid off workers, youth, incumbent workers, new entrants to the workforce, veterans, persons with disabilities, and employers.
Eligible adults must be age 18 or older. While eligible laid-off workers are generally individuals who have been terminated from their last employment and are unlikely to return to their previous industry or occupation, displaced homemakers and self-employed individuals also may qualify for these services. Adult and laid-off worker services are provided through locally-based America’s Job Center of CaliforniaSM(AJCC), formerly known as One-Stop Career Centers. Comprehensive Job Centers provide access to a full range of services pertaining to employment, training and education, employer assistance, and guidance for obtaining other assistance. While WIA requires Job Centers to provide specific services, local areas may design programs and provide services that reflect the unique needs of their area.
Job Centers use varied strategies in providing the appropriate services to meet the needs of their customers:
Work Force Investment Act (WIA)
Administration of WIA
The Governor has appointed a State Workforce Investment Board (WIB) consisting primarily of representatives from businesses, labor organizations, educational institutions, and community organizations. The State WIB assists the Governor in designing a statewide plan and establishing appropriate program policy.
Benefits of WIA
The activities provided by WIA at the local level offer a variety of benefits to both program participants and the communities in which they reside:
Job Seekers
Universal access to job search and labor market information
Education and skills training
Individual choice of service
Basic skills assessment
Resources and guidance help to attain educational goals
Exposure to work environment through training and adult mentoring
Influence over local area employment policy
Improved and trained employee pool
Development of on-the-job and customized training opportunities
Assistance for laid-off workers